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A Designed Affair Page 10
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Page 10
Thoughts of their hot, sexy night together flooded her head daily. They had spoken a few times, but not about that night they spent in bed together. They kept the conversation about business and never talked personal, though she could tell that elephant was sitting high and pretty in the midst. To take her mind off of Mike and her desire for him, she was hoping to be able to relax tonight. She was going out to hear a new band at Jason’s supper club and she wasn’t going alone.
Weeks before her night with Mike, one of her sorority sisters had introduced her to a guy named Malcolm Waters and since she had not been able to return his phone call due to work, he had stopped by her office earlier in the week to introduce himself and invite her out to hear this new band that a friend of his was playing in. He was nice enough and she needed the distraction, so she agreed to go with him. They were meeting at the restaurant, that also happened to be the supper club, one of her favorite spots, since she didn’t know what time she would be ready. Besides, just in case she wasn’t having a good time, she could leave whenever she was ready. While she wrapped things up, she wondered what Mike was doing for the evening.
On more than one occasion she caught herself thinking about him with other women. She couldn’t help it. She didn’t mean to torture herself with the thought, but she knew how men were. She wondered if he thought about her as much as she thought about him. She needed to get back in the dating game. She couldn’t see a way for things to work out between them and she wasn’t going to spend all of her time pining away for him at home. Tonight she would go out and try to have a good time.
Mike was glad to be done with work for the evening. His cell rang as he walked into his condo. Checking the display, he smiled when he saw it was Shelly; very predictable Shelly. It was Friday night and normally her phone call would mean an evening of wild sex. She had a thing for toys that many women found taboo, but not Shelly. She was open for just about anything he desired. Tonight, he wasn’t having a desire for her. He had not desired her since before he slept with Loren. He answered her call because he knew if he didn’t, she would continue to call and leave messages until he called her back.
“Hey Shelly.”
“Hey handsome. What’s up with you tonight? You feel like coming over and hanging out at my place? I found that deck of cards with all the sex positions that you love. I’m thinking tonight we could lay the cards face down and blindly select a few to experiment with. I’ve missed you and I have an itch that needs some major scratching and a fresh Brazilian wax that’s calling your name.”
She never ceased to amaze him. She never beat around the bush when it came to sex.
“As tempting as that sounds, I’ve had a long work day and I think I’m going to just chill. I actually brought some work home that I may delve into tonight to catch up.”
“Wait, are you telling me you don’t want to get into me, literally, tonight? I don’t think you’ve ever turned me down before,” she said, sounding confused.
“I know, but it’s just work stuff. I told you with all the publicity my company has been getting over the past year, we’ve been swamped and until we hire the additional help around the office, we’ve all been working overtime to keep up with the new influx of projects. Can I get a rain check for another time?”
“Rain check? What the hell is that Mike? Rain check? What is that a code for you’ve found a new toy or what?”
“Shelly, that’s not it at all. Like I said, it’s just work.” He was losing patience with her.
“Okay Mike, I hear you. Give me a call later if you change your mind or just drop by. Shop’s always open for you.”
He laughed. Her boldness was like so many women he dealt with. He needed to change the company he kept. Though he loved the acrobatic sex, he also realized he was getting to a place in his life where he needed women of more substance than a pair of big breasts and a penchant for doing whatever they could to please him sexually. In the back of their minds, he knew that if they could get him with sex, the rest of him would follow along. He wasn’t looking for that.
“No problem Shelly. I’ll give you a call.”
He knew he wouldn’t, but he needed to pacify her with a response that would buy him some time to figure out how to handle things with Loren. He hung up before Shelly could say anything more. For the first time in a long time, he questioned himself about the choices he’d been making when it came to women. He had been with a lot of women and had always practiced safe sex. By safe, he meant in more than just using condoms. He also meant safe in the type of women he dealt with.
It was important to him that he made it clear that he was only open to a friend with benefit type situation with any of them. He didn’t want to be tied down and he didn’t want them thinking of wedding dresses and kids because it wasn’t him.
Walking through his condo, brought back memories of the night he’d spent with Loren. He didn’t bring many women to his condo because he had dealt with his share of stalkers in the past and chose not to have every woman he bedded know where he laid his head. It made for a lot less drama. Tonight though, he couldn’t imagine bringing any other women here again other than Loren. He didn’t know what was going on with him, but that one night he and Loren spent together had sealed his fate. It had not been that long ago that she was here, in his bed, making love to his mind and his body like no woman ever had before. He had spent all the time since they were together honoring her wish of staying away from her, but the more he thought about it, the more he wasn’t feeling that decision at all. He wasn’t about to have a peaceful evening at home knowing she was out with someone.
Didn’t Duron say Loren and her date were going to Jason’s supper club tonight? He checked the time. It wasn’t too late and he was quite hungry, not having eaten all day. Maybe he would just stop by the supper club and grab a bite to eat and at the same time, check out this guy Loren was out with tonight. He headed for the shower. He needed to see who this guy was that could make Loren want to go out with him after the incredible night they’d spent together.
Chapter 10
Loren and Malcolm’s dinner had just arrived when Jason came over to the table to greet them.
“Loren, always good to see you,” he said.
“Hey Jase.”
Loren stood to give him a hug.
“Good to see you too.”
She introduced him to her dinner date.
“Jason, this is Malcolm Waters. Malcolm this is Jason. He owns this supper club and is one of my brother’s friends.”
Jason and Malcolm shook hands.
“Feel free to call me Jase.”
“Nice to meet you Jase,” Malcolm said.
“I see business is jumping tonight. This place is packed and the band is awesome.”
“Thanks Loren. Business has been booming. I’m actually looking into purchasing the building next door and expanding. With the crowds we’ve been seeing lately, it’s definitely time. How’s the family?”
“Everybody’s great,” Loren answered.
“That’s good. Tell everyone hello. I’m going to let you get back to your dinner. Enjoy.”
“Thanks,” Loren said as she retook her seat across from Malcolm.
When Jase walked back towards the kitchen, Loren turned her attention back to Malcolm.
“I didn’t realize this place was black owned. Nice,” Malcolm said. Loren could see he was impressed.
“Yes and he’s doing really well. Your friend’s band was great. Which one was he?”
“He was the drummer. We went to school together. They travel around a lot and I try to catch them whenever they come this way.”
They continued to eat and enjoy idle chit chat. She was actually enjoying herself. He turned out to be the distraction she needed to take her mind off of work and off of Mike as well.
“I’m glad you agreed to finally go out with me Loren.”
“I’m sorry for not getting back to you. I’ve been caught up wi
th work and I’ve been traveling, so when Denise mentioned you to me and gave you my number, it’s been hard trying to find time to return phone calls. I’m glad you stopped by my office and didn’t give up on me. I’m not generally like that, but my business has really been picking up,” Loren explained.
While they talked she’d learned a lot about him and was impressed with his line of work. He owned several fast food chains in the Atlanta area and was looking to expand to surrounding counties.
She lost her focus on what he was saying when she looked up and caught a glimpse of Mike at the bar. She wasn’t sure it was him at first, until some people cleared out of the way and she was able to see him better. She nervously began nipping on her lip wondering what the odds were that he would show up on the night that she was here on a date. She didn’t really want Mike to see her out, especially out with someone after she gave him her little speech about serial dating and here she was out with someone, not long after the night they were together.
Trying to conceal the view from him, she slid over a little bit so that Malcolm was blocking Mike’s view of her. Maybe he wouldn’t see her. She didn’t know why she was reacting this way. She and Mike weren’t dating. They were friends and she didn’t need to hide when she was out on a date. Still she stayed out of his line of sight, hoping he was on a date as well. That thought made her feel a little down. She didn’t really want to see him out with anyone.
For years it never bothered her to run into him with one woman or another out on a date. Now, the thought of it had her feeling sad, sick and jealous. It didn’t occur to her how she would react, now that they had been intimate, to seeing him with someone else. She kept one ear on what Malcolm was saying and just smiled as he talked so that he couldn’t see her distraction. She looked in Mike’s direction again and to her it didn’t appear that he was with anyone. There were several other gentlemen at the bar, but no women alone. That didn’t mean he wasn’t waiting on someone. She needed to stop torturing herself and focus on her date.
Mike looked up from his spot at the bar and noticed Jase was coming his way.
“Hey man,” Jase said as he reached Mike.
“What’s up bro?”
“Nothing but business twenty-four, seven. You waiting on a table? If you’d let me know you were coming I would have reserved one for you.”
“No, I’m just going to grab some take-out.”
Though Mike was talking to Jase, he continued looking around, trying to spot Loren.
Jase picked up on Mike’s perusal of the crowd immediately and knew who he was looking for.
“Take-out, huh? Looking for someone in particular?”
Mike didn’t answer. He just continued to look around.
“She’s at the table in the far right corner Mike.”
He tried to play it like he had no clue who Jase was talking about.
“Who? I’m not looking for anyone. I told you I’m just here to grab some take-out.”
He knew Jase wasn’t buying it.
Jason shook his head in disbelief that Mike was still playing the denial game.
“Mike, I told you this was not a good idea and to walk away. Obviously you didn’t listen, so maybe you’d like to tell me what’s going on here besides your obvious lie about showing up to get take-out?”
Mike looked in the direction of where Loren sat across from a man and anger started to rise up like he had never felt before. Not sure where the anger was coming from, he looked away and turned his attention back to Jase.
“Who is the guy Loren is with Jase? Do you know him? Have you seen him here before?”
“No, she did introduce us a while ago. All I know is his name is Malcolm. I only talked to her briefly. Why is something wrong?”
“Other than the fact that she’s out with him? Not that I know of,” Mike answered with disgust in his voice.
“Duron didn’t know who she was going out with tonight and he was a little concerned. You know the incident with the last serious relationship Loren had that almost landed Duron in jail. He’s just protective I guess. He mentioned she would be here and I thought I would check this guy out for him.”
“Sure you did. Your being here is all about looking out for Loren on behalf of her brother who wants to protect her from the big bad wolves of the world. It has nothing to do with the fact that you have a thing for her yourself? Come on Mike, it’s me.”
He hesitated then decided to come clean.
“Okay, so yeah I have a thing for her. It’s an unexpected thing. It’s hitting me over and over like a ton of bricks.”
Mike turned his attention back to Loren. When he did, he noticed that she was looking right at him. He continued to stare at her no matter how hard she tried to not look at him and focus on her date. He wasn’t going to make it easy for her. He sat back on his stool, ordered a beer and just waited, never taking his eyes off of her.
Jase could see that his friend was not happy seeing Loren out on a date and it had nothing to do with looking out for her for Duron. He was looking out for her for him.
“Don’t do it Mike. I told you before, walk away man. I’m looking at the two of you looking at each other and it’s a good thing I have a sprinkler system because you two could start a fire up in here.”
Mike knew he was right, but he was past walking away. It was already too late for him.
“Jase, I hear you. Too late buddy.”
“Mike, tell me you didn’t?”
Mike turned and looked at him clueless.
“Didn’t what?”
“Tell me you did not sleep with Loren.”
There was no avoiding the obvious with his friend so he avoided answering and turned back to look at Loren and her date.
He knew his friend wasn’t going to let up.
“No can do bruh. I did and now she’s out on a date with some other guy. It’s taking every ounce of energy I have to keep from going over there and knocking his ass out.”
“Mike, man why don’t you go up in my office and cool off. This is not a good look for you.”
“No I’m good. I won’t make a scene. I just wanted to see for myself if she was really out with someone tonight and I got my answer. I’m going to order some food and head home. Can you get me my usual?” Mike asked.
“Yeah I will, but Mike, listen to me. Don’t go over there. Nothing good will come out of that. Don’t move from this stool. The guy has no idea you slept with Loren and he has no clue who you are so don’t make a scene. Just sit tight and I’ll get your order placed.”
“Jase, man I’m not trying to start any trouble up in your spot. I’m cool right here.”
Loren could feel the penetrating stare Mike was giving her. He had seen her and her date and if Loren was correct, he was angry about it. His expression never changed. He stared at her giving her a look as if he were asking her what the hell she was doing out with this guy. As much as Loren wanted to ignore Mike’s presence, she knew it wasn’t going to happen. She decided to go over and say hello. She excused herself from the table. There was no need to continue the staring match when clearly there were words that needed to be said.
Mike saw her get up from the table and head in his direction and he was prepared. He had a few questions to ask her. When she approached, he let her speak first.
“Hi, Mike. What are you doing here? Are you here with someone?” she asked.
Mike tampered down his anger at her being out on a date with someone only days after being in bed with him.
“I’m here grabbing take-out and no I’m not here with anyone. I see you can’t say the same thing,” he said, not trying to hide his displeasure.
Loren didn’t immediately respond as she looked from Mike, over to the table where her date still sat waiting for her and then back to Mike again. All she could think about was how good Mike looked. Even in a simple button down shirt and jeans he looked scrumptious. She was so busy gawking at him, she didn’t realize he w
as waiting for some type of reply from her. She didn’t hear what he may have said so she didn’t know what she should be responding to.
Mike could feel his temper rising and knew he needed to control it. He and Loren had sex. They were not involved so he had no right to be as angry as he was. He softened the conversation.
“You look nice Loren,” he said, breaking into the silent moment.
Loren checked back into the conversation.
“Thank you. You look nice yourself.”
“I hope you’re having a nice time on your date,” he sneered.
She could hear the distain in his statement. She played along, but ignored what appeared to be a little tension between them, definitely a result of her being out on a date.
“I am thank you. He’s a nice guy.”
“Who is he?”
“I met him through one of my sorority sisters weeks ago. She thought we would hit it off.”
Loren wanted to be sure to stress that she did not just meet Malcolm.
“We have been trying to connect since then and our schedules didn’t seem to match up until recently.”
Mike didn’t say anything immediately. He didn’t want to talk about his guy with her.
“Loren, I don’t care about this dude or when you met him. What I do care about is you and why you’re out with him.”
“I told you, he asked me out. He has a friend that played in the band and he asked if I would have dinner and check the band out and I said yes.”
Mike was looking at her as if he could see right through her.
“So this is it Loren? I think we have a lot to talk about, but apparently you don’t think so. Is this your answer to our situation? Is this your way of letting me know that I need to be satisfied with the one night we spent together and not think about taking things further? After all you did give me the speech about you wanting a monogamous relationship so I’m assuming this guy is the start of your search for that? No consideration of being with me at all? Was I your version of your stint with casual sex and now you can find someone else to get serious with?”