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A Designed Affair Page 2

  Loren knew nothing would keep her from it.

  “Yes we are.”

  “Well I’ll let you get back to our client.”

  Mike turned to leave, but before he went through the door, he turned back to Loren who hadn’t yet turned to head back to her guests.

  “Loren?” he said drawing her attention back to him.

  “Yes?” she answered.

  “You look beautiful as usual.”

  Loren’s heart was beating so fast she wondered if anyone could hear it. It had to be making some sort of sound, she thought.

  “Thank you,” she said capturing his eyes and noticed something different, something she’d never paid attention to before. To her it looked a lot like lust, but that couldn’t be it. She’d always had a soft spot when it came to Mike, but she never got the feeling that he openly felt the same way. Could she be wrong? She watched as he finally turned to leave and when he was no longer within her eye sight she headed back to her guests. On the walk back to them, she couldn’t help but marvel at how sexy Mike looked in his tailor made suit that looked as if it was made to fit his body perfectly. She always thought other than seeing a man naked, there was nothing sexier than seeing a man in a suit made just for him.

  “Is that your boyfriend or husband?” Mrs. Madison asked.

  Loren was jolted out of her thoughts of Mike.

  “No, not at all. He’s my brother’s best friend and business partner. He was in the area at a meeting and just stopped in to say hello, nothing more.”

  She watched at the couple smiled.

  “I would say there was definitely something more and not just in how you became all flustered when he showed up. Clearly he’s interested in you. It’s a good thing we were here or by now you’d be spread out over that desk in your office with him all over you. I know the signs because it’s the same look my husband gives me every time he sees me. Trust me, I know what I know. That man wants you. The question is, what are you going to do about it?”

  Loren didn’t know how to answer that. She knew what she’d like to do about it, but this was Mike. He was practically family. Could they both have hidden feelings for each other that are finally coming to the surface? Only time would tell, she thought retaking her seat to continue their meeting.

  Chapter 2

  “Good evening. This is Michael Bailey, Donna Bailey’s son. Would she happen to be available?”

  “Let me check,” replied the receptionist on the other end of the phone.

  Mike waited patiently while the receptionist at his mother’s office tracked her down. He had been calling his mother’s cell phone most of the day and she had not answered or returned his phone call. This was totally out of character for her. He wanted to be sure she was okay. The receptionist entered his thoughts as she returned to the phone.

  “Sorry to put you on hold. Yes, she’s in. I’ll put you right through to her.”

  “Thank you,” Mike replied, relieved that at least he knew his mother was okay. She answered with her normal cheery voice.

  “Michael. What a surprise! Is everything okay?”

  He tried hart not to sound angry at having to worry unnecessarily about her. He paused to calm his anger before he spoke.

  “Mom, I was calling to ask you the same question. Since when do you not return my call or answer your phone when I call? I’m just checking on you since I haven’t heard from you in a few days. I was getting worried and if I didn’t reach you at the office today, I was going to be on the first plant out of here to find out what was going on. I’m glad you answered.”

  His voice rose then fell as he tried to tamper down his words filled with worry.

  “Michael, honey, I’m fine. I was going to call you when I got to the office today, but as soon as I got here things seemed to get very hectic very fast. The real estate business is booming these days despite the crazy economy. I’ve been so busy that by the time I get home, I’ve been going right to bed. I know I usually call you ever two days or so to say hello, but it’s just been so crazy around the office. I’m sorry to make you worry, but I’m fine.”

  Michael began to feel a lot better.

  “That’s good to hear mom. Do you know that you are still the only person who calls me Michael instead of Mike? It sounds so formal when you say it,” he said changing the conversation to something more light than worry.

  “I’m your mother Michael. I gave you that name. People can shorten it if they want to, but your name is Michael, not Mike.”

  Mike laughed out loud at his mother. “I know the story Ma. I’m used to it so it’s all good. I wanted to let you know that I’m coming home for a visit. Just for a few days though, because I have a lot going on at work right now.”

  Mike knew his mother was smiling brightly. She had been complaining to him a lot lately that he never took the time to visit her other than the few holidays a year when he came home.

  “Oh that makes me so happy. I’m going to plan a nice dinner party while you’re here. Did I tell you Sophie’s daughter is single and recently moved to New York? She’s beautiful and intelligent and did I mention single? I’m going to invite them over so that you can meet her. I think you would really like her.”

  Mike just shook his head. He had to smile at his mother’s attempts at fixing him up. She had been trying to do it since he graduated from college. She never missed an opportunity to try to fix him up with some daughter or granddaughter of one of her many friends.

  “Mom, I’m not coming home to be set up. Contrary to what you may think, I don’t have any problems in the women department.”

  “Well if that were the case, then I would have a daughter-in-law and at least one grandchild by now. I’ll never have that if you don’t stop serial dating and find one woman to settle down with. You are my only child and I’d like a few grandchildren to spoil before I die.”

  Mike knew that was coming next. They’d had this very conversation on many occasions.

  “Mom, you are not dying anytime soon. There is plenty of time for grandchildren.”

  “If you say so, Michael. Just no grandchildren without the daughter-in-law though. That never pans out well for the paternal grandmother.”

  They both laughed.

  “No wayward grandchildren mom, I promise. When I meet that perfect woman, I will make sure you are my first phone call. Until then, no match making. I’m not going to keep you. I just wanted to check on you and let you know I’ll be coming home at the end of next week.”

  “I’m so excited. It seems like forever since I’ve last seen you.”

  “Can your son convince you to make him some of your bread pudding while he’s home? Oh, and don’t let me stop any thoughts you may have of making your famous fried chicken, greens, macaroni and cheese and sweet potatoes, that you like to make when I’m home for a visit. If you must make all of that, I will have no choice, but to oblige you and eat them all.”

  Donna laughed at her son’s sly way of telling her what he wanted her to cook for him when he came home.

  “Southern food it is, just for you son. Are you flying or driving in?”

  “I’m going to fly in early. Don’t worry about picking me up at the airport. I’ll grab a cab and meet you back at home when you get off from work. I’m going to go and visit a few friends and make one business stop when I first land.”

  “Okay. I love you son and you be careful. Let me know if your plans change.”

  “Love you too mom and I will.

  After ending his call, Mike sat back in his office chair and shook his head at the conversation with his mother. He knew despite his telling her not to set him up, she was still going to have her dinner party to introduce him to the daughter of one of her friends.

  She’s been trying to get him to settle down for a few years, but the player in him could not imagine being with just one woman. He loved women and to him they were like a fresh bag of potato chips. You couldn’t have just one. He’s not sure he would ever re
ally feel differently. The one woman he really, truly wanted he couldn’t have, so he substituted that for the women he sought release with. He never gave them any ideas of forever and he never wanted to lead any of them on, thinking he would make them the one. If he saw a woman getting thoughts of taming him in her head, he backed off. He never set out to hurt anyone and if they could deal with his declaration of only wanting mutual pleasure, then it became a perfect arrangement.

  So far, he had only dealt with a few who thought that they could change his mind, but for the most part, he was enjoying his life. Not everyone was meant to be in a monogamous relationship and he couldn’t see that for himself. No matter how much his mother wanted that for him, he didn’t want it for himself unless he could have the one woman he wanted. He didn’t think that was possible. Even now, his thoughts strayed to her. Loren Knight.

  He couldn’t remember a time when he was not attracted to her. He still remembered clearly, the day he realized he wanted Loren.

  He and Duron, his best friend and Loren’s brother, had gone to visit her at Spellman College where she lived on campus in one of the dorms. He and Duron, at the time, were roommates at Howard University in Washington D.C and when Duron mentioned to him that he was planning to go to Atlanta for the weekend, specifically to visit Loren, Mike couldn’t pass up the opportunity to hang on a campus full of beautiful women. It wasn’t just the fact that they’d be visiting the campus, but they’d be around women who were around women all day every day, since Spellman was an all girl’s institution. The ratio of women to the two of them was too much for him to pass up. He was definitely going along with his friend. There was no doubt that he would find someone or a few someone’s to occupy his time while Duron spent time with his sister.

  He packed an overnight bag and made sure to add plenty of condoms from the large supply he and Duron kept in their dorm room. He figured he would need them.

  He still remembered the visit and the day he realized he had more than a casual interest in Lore. It didn’t happen until the end of their visit and Loren had caught him coming out of the room of one of her dorm mates. Seeing the look on her face had him feeling bad about the number of women he had bedded on that campus in one weekend. He felt bad when he saw the pained look of disappointment on her face.

  Later that evening, before leaving he and Duron had dinner with Loren before heading back to Washington, D.C., and he and Loren had a moment alone when Duron stepped away. He’d always noticed how beautiful she was, but something about her had changed. She was more mature and no matter how many pretty women he’d encountered on the Spellman campus, there was something about Loren that was drawing him to her. He couldn’t help but notice her allure, but she was after all, Duron’s sister. He had to turn off the thoughts of how sexy she looked in everything she wore. She had the body of a goddess and he’d have to be blind not to notice. Even when he noticed, he had to remind himself that she was Duron’s sister and anything between them could lead to disaster between he and his best friend.

  Back then, Loren always wore her hair long and he liked that. She always sported the best designer clothes and the way she coordinated her outfits was a big turn on for him. She always took great pride in how she looked and she made it seem effortless. She was on the slim side except when it came to her backside. She had the type of womanly figure that a pair of apple bottom jeans was made for. She was beautiful and smart and Mike felt that if he were to ever get the chance to prove he could be a one woman man, he wanted to do it with Loren. That thought struck him that weekend and even after returning to his campus, that thought stayed in the back of his mind.

  He sat across from her at dinner that night and when Duron stepped away, his defenses were down and for a brief moment, he hoped that she could read in his eyes that he had feelings for her. He couldn’t get up the nerve to say the actual words. He needed to tread lightly constantly reminding himself again that Loren was the sister of his best friend.

  Duron was a best friend with whom he had shared the story of his weekend activities. He was the best friend who shared the expense of the enormous amount of condoms they purchased monthly. Duron was that friend who shared a code with him when they each had a beauty in their dorm room, so that the other would know to not come in to the room for a while. This was the sister of the best friend who knew that Mike saw women as something to conquer sexually, but not take seriously. Mike knew there was no way Duron would be okay with him developing feelings for Loren, so there was no need to go there.

  Over the years, he tried to replace his want for Loren with one woman after another. He wanted her in the worse way, but couldn’t have her. He figured, maybe this was karma for all of the women he used for sex without offering them anything more. He wasn’t sure, but he wished karma would lighten up and help him find a way to get the one woman he wanted. He didn’t just want her intimately. He wanted her lock, stock and barrel. He wanted all of her and he wanted her to have all of him. He just didn’t know how to go about it without any issues arising between him and his best friend, Duron.

  As he sat behind his desk thinking about her in the past and now in the present, he realized his feelings over the years had never changed. Every time he saw her he was reminded of how much he wanted her to be his, but saw no way to make it happen.

  He didn’t know what he was thinking stopping by her place of business earlier in the day. He’d been a few blocks away at a meeting and though he had no reason to stop by, he couldn’t resist doing so. He knew that he’d known her so long that he didn’t really need a reason. Since the day he’d first come home from college with Duron, he’d been considered one of the family and Loren was used to seeing him all the time.

  The moment he walked into her office and saw her looking like the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, he knew he was a goner. He was glad she’d had clients because he didn’t know what he would have done if she hadn’t. He desire for her was at a new level, one he didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to resist. He had to find a way. Too much was at risk if he acted on his feelings.

  He brushed the thought off and reached for the folder on his desk that he needed to read over to prepare for his next meeting. For a while, he needed to find a way to take his mind off of Loren and what a gorgeous woman she was. For now, at least, he would distract himself until he saw her later in the week and then he’d be back to where he was when he saw her earlier; completely taken.

  Chapter 3

  Loren had not spoken to or seen Mike in the few days since he’d shown up at her office simply because he’d been in the area. She was glad he had. She could never tire of seeing his handsome face.

  Once her latest clients had agreed to the many changes to both of their hotels, she took a quick flight for a few days to Barbados and Miami to get things underway. She had several small businesses she contracted with that did most of the work of bringing her ideas to life and she’d had them on standby that she was making the trip and would need them onsite to walk through each upgrade.

  Her first plan had been to meet with the resort’s architect for both hotels who would be handling the major reconstruction work, to be sure the ideas she had were being taken into consideration. She wished that she could have had a chance to work with her brother’s firm on this project, but now that they were big shots, this was a small project compared to the multi-million dollar projects they worked on these days. Working with them would give her a chance to be closer to Mike. She knew it was dangerous for her to have such thoughts and feelings about Mike, but the more time passed and the more interaction she had with him, the more thoughts of him stayed on her mind. Working together would be beneficial, but still, very dangerous as well, especially to her heart.

  She has already done plenty of work on some of their projects and would soon be working on another one they had coming up. She appreciated the chances she was being afforded being connected to them in the business world.

  With their company, Pion
eer Architecture & Design, taking the business world by storm, she was being brought along on that train as well and it was paying off for her, giving her the opportunity to build up her clientele through the many connections on the projects.

  While preparing to close her office for the day, her thoughts drifted back to Mike and the fact that in a few hours, she would be meeting him for a business dinner to talk about this house of his he wanted her input on. She was more than happy to help him out and even more so because she would get to spend time with him.

  Thinking back on how the meeting they were about to have surfaced, Mike approached her brother, Duron about her availability to help him decorate a house he was looking to purchase and totally overhaul. She wasn’t sure why he didn’t reach out to her directly since she’d known him since her late high school years. He had every phone number to reach her by, he knew where she lived and as far as she knew, he had access to her email and could have done his own contacting. At this point, it didn’t matter to her because whatever he needed her to help with, she would make sure she set the time aside, just for him. Mike.

  Saying and even thinking about him made her shiver. There was a magnetism that she couldn’t seem to pull away from. No matter how hard she tried to get her mind and her body to not venture into the danger zone that was Mike, neither listened to her. She had been fighting a serious attraction to him for years and now her attraction was turning into a hunger that she feared needed to be fed no matter the cost. It was that cost that concerned her the most. She knew, ultimately, that cost could mean the end of a friendship and business partnership between her brother and Mike and she couldn’t risk that. No matter how deeply she felt she was beginning to feel for Mike, he was territory she needed to avoid.

  She was looking forward to seeing him and hearing all about this house. She had no doubt it was going to be a beautiful house. He had great taste and she knew that first hand because of the magnificent condo he had that she’d helped decorate. The man had great taste in everything, except for women, she smirked to herself.