A Designed Affair Page 22
“Later man,” Mike said, shaking his head at Tyrone. He knew that Tyrone wouldn’t be singing that happy singles tune if he had found a woman like Loren. When he does, Mike dreaded the day Tyrone found the one. He couldn’t imagine what all the single women of the world would do if Tyrone was off the market too.
Tyrone was about to head back into one of the breakout session rooms when he spotted the woman he thought was Taija’s friend, Victoria. She was just as beautiful as he remembered her being at the wedding. Tyrone ventured in her direction to see if it was her and to say hello.
“Excuse me, but is your name Victoria Alston by any chance?”
“Yes it is,” she replied.
“I thought that was you. My name is Tyrone. I’m best friends with Taija’s husband Duron. I met you when you came to Atlanta to be in Taija’s wedding.”
Victoria could never forget him. She knew exactly who he was. She remembered him from the wedding and how sexy he looked in his all black tuxedo.
“I remember you, Tyrone. Nice to see you again. What are you doing here?”
“I’m speaking at the conference this week on modern design structure. What about you?”
“I work for a major financial corporation that deals with financing major construction projects and we are one of the vendors for the week.”
Tyrone thought of how good his luck was.
“Since we are both here for this last night of the conference, would you join me for dinner later? We could dine right here at one of the restaurants in the hotel.”
Victoria was not going to pass up the chance to sit across from this fine specimen of a man.
“I would love to.”
She checked her watch and realized she needed to get to her last session of the day.
“I need to get into this last session. What time would you like for me to meet you?”
“Why don’t we meet in the main lobby at eight o’clock? I’ll make reservations at one of the restaurants, if that’s okay with you.”
“That’s fine for me. I’ll see you at eight Tyrone.”
Victoria turned to head in the direction of her last session and smiled at the prospects of spending the evening with such a handsome man.
‘Whew, what a man,’ she silently said to herself.
Tyrone watched Victoria walk away and couldn’t help but notice her long, toned legs. He realized she had a magnificent pair. It just happens that his favorite part of a woman was her legs. Nicely toned, sculpted legs were a major turn on for him. He could imagine what hers would look like wrapped around his back as he entered her body over and over again while gripping on to her toned legs. He needed to clear his head and get to his own final session of the day. There would be time for elicit thoughts later on at dinner.
Tyrone woke the next morning feeling great after a long night of sex with the most extraordinary woman he had ever met. After dinner he and Victoria could barely keep their hands off of each other as they made their way to his room. The rest of the night was a blur. He remembered enjoying the hottest sex of his life and he wanted more. He was glad he was waking up early. One more round of sex would be great. Besides, he loved early morning sex before starting his day.
He turned to reach for the very naked Victoria only to discover the other side of the bed empty. He sat up and looked around for signs of her and realized she had left. He didn’t see any of her clothes that were strewn around the room haphazardly from the night before when they couldn’t wait to undress each other and get to the sheets. He got up to look around his suite, checking to see if she was in the bathroom. He looked, but no sign of her there. He went to the outer sitting area and again, no sign of Victoria. He was stunned that she would leave without even a goodbye after the night they had spent sexing each other every way possible known to man in the few hours they shared. He was hoping to see her again before she left. He had one more day at the conference, but he knew that she was leaving today because her last session was the day before. Tyrone decided to try and catch her before she left to find out why she dashed out on him. He called the receptionist desk to have them ring her room.
“Yes hello, this is Tyrone Davis. Can you ring room four twenty eight for me please, the room for Ms. Victoria Alston?”
“I’m sorry sir, but Ms. Alston has already checked out.”
He wasn’t happy with that information. It’s quite obvious to him that Victoria wasn’t happy about the events of the night before and was expecting to avoid it all together by leaving before he woke up. He smiled to himself. He knew for a fact that she couldn’t avoid him forever. They would see each other again. A lot sooner than she thought. He knew for a fact that he would be seeing her at Taija’s baby shower and he would ask her why she felt the need to leave like a thief in the night. The least she could have done was to leave the money on the night stand.
Tyrone moved about his room to prepare for his day knowing that he looked forward to seeing Victoria again and he had plans to make sure the one night they spent tasting each other would not be the one and only night.
‘Be afraid Victoria. Be very afraid. I’m going to give you a little space, but not much. Now that I’ve had a taste, I want more of a meal,’ Tyrone said to no one in particular.
Read more about Tyrone and Victoria in “A Perfect Combination” available now in paperback and for your e-pub device at www.cherylbarton.net.
Enjoy this excerpt from “Bachelor Not For Sale” the first in the bachelor series.
“I’m here to see Taija Charles,” he said to the guard in the lobby of her office building as soon as he arrived.
“Sure sir. Take the elevators to your left to the eighth floor. The receptionist on that floor will show you to her office.”
Duron thanked him and added a little more pep in his step as he made his way to the elevator that would take him to Taija.
When he reached the receptionist, who alerted Taija to his presence, he was escorted to her office where she sat behind her desk, finishing up a phone call. He liked that she smiled brightly when she saw him enter. When she completed her call, she got up and came around to greet him with the kind of kiss that he had come to enjoy. He also noticed that she was in her workout gear, not work attire.
“Is today dress down day at work or something?” he asked.
Taija looked down at herself, noticing she still had on gym clothes. She’d had a free morning and due to much stress at work, she’d decided to work out at the gym on the lower level of her office building. When she returned to her office, she’d spent time returning phone calls and had yet to go into the adjourning bathroom in her office to shower and change back into her work clothes.
“I went to work out this morning after a stressful meeting and haven’t showered and changed yet. I was just about to when you arrived. So what brings you by today?”
Duron pulled her closer to him loving the feeling of having her in his arms.
“I wanted to see you and to also see if you wanted to partake in an afternoon delight of lunch with me.”
Taija loved how spontaneous Duron could be and she noticed a hint of a little something extra in the way he said lunch. Her body tingled thinking of the possibilities those words and the new smirk on his face could mean.Over the past several weeks that they had been seeing one another, she had experienced his spontaneity on more than a few occasions and the outcome had always been more than she could ever have imagined. She decided to play it cool and not be too eager to show him how much she wanted to do lunch with him and little something more. She gathered herself before responding.
“Of course. Lunch would be wonderful. Let me get out of these sweaty clothes, grab a shower and I’ll be ready to go.”
Duron watched the sway of Taija’s hips as she made her way to her adjourning shower. His thoughts turned back to one morning a few weeks back when he entered his bedroom and Taija had been in the shower. He wanted to joi
n her then, but she had just turned off the water and gotten out. The sight of her always turned him on and seeing her today was like seeing her for the first time. His body’s response to her was instantaneous. He wasn't sure if Taija noticed how his body hardened the moment she came into his arms, but he knew of only one way to quench his body's thirst for her.
He heard her turn on the shower and wondered how adventurous he could get her to be. Without hesitating or second guessing his constant desire for her, he walked over to her office door, told her secretary that Taija asked if she could hold all of her calls. When her secretary smiled at him, knowing his intent, she acknowledged as he closed and locked the door. He wanted Taija bad and he wanted her now. He began taking off his own clothes as he headed for the bathroom shower to join her.
More books by this author can be found at
Now available for your reading pleasure:
Second Chances: Three Valentine Novellas
Sometimes love is better the second time around. Get your copy and find out today!!
Down, But Not Out: Breaking Chains
Stories of three women who were down, but who should never be counted out. You don’t want to miss their breakthrough when they discover what love from the right man can do for them
Amorous Occupations Series
The Artist
The Bookkeeper
The Chef
The Dancer
About the Author
Cheryl Barton lives in Maryland where in her spare time she loves reading a few books a week, writing, spending time with her family, running her new publishing company, Barton Publishing, LLC and doing community service work through her non-profit organization, Sisters About Making Moves, which she founded in 2010. Her favorite downtime activity is eating Maryland steamed crabs. Visit her website at www.cherylbarton.net. You can connect with her on Twitter @mscbarton and on Facebook at Author Cheryl Barton.
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Table of Contents
Title Page
Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Excerpt: Bachelor Not For Sale
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